Pelantikan Paskibra 2012-2013
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Hi umm sup,
mumpung gue lagi rajin ngepost di blog, gue mau sekalian ngepost tentang pelantikan ekskul kemarin.
berhubung gue seksi dokumentasi + mentor jadi gue nggak sempet ngambil selca banyak2 wakaka gakdeng, bego nya gue lupa beli batre kamera soalnya kata adek gue kameranya udah di charge padahal belum, sepik-_-
Me (first from the right) with Dilla (the middle one) and Sandra (the last one)
There are Fanny who wear braces, Fanny is the kind hearted leader for Paskibra (2011-2012), i love you fan, fighting!! and Dilla and Syahrul too.
Ugh so tired then, bad hair day~_~ cheers chan!!
I have so many pics actually but from all pics there's no more me lol just kidding. K than, Goodluck for the next generation and big hugs from Chandra for Fanny, Sandra, Dilla, Ledy, Dhia, Syahrul, dan Anggit.